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Where the most Inspired Musicians
become the most Inspiring Music Teachers

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Become a Member of the Alumni Association

Become a Member of the Alumni Association

Why Join?

When you join the VanderCook Alumni Association, you are not only supporting your alma mater but also investing in your future. Your membership will help the college grow in every sense of the word. It brings new relationships, resources, and awareness of our programs that will in turn increase the value of your degree!

When you join the VanderCook Alumni Association, you are not only supporting your alma mater but also investing your own future. Your membership will help power programs and services that strengthen VanderCook, enrich the student experience and increase the value of your degree!

We can all agree, VanderCook is a special place. It is the people, and the relationships we build that make it so special. The Alumni Association has made great strides in ensuring that our alumni remain connected to the college. As a member, you will be able to tap into a vast network of VanderCook alumni. Member also enjoy exclusive perks, including discounts on VanderGear, and several events throughout the year.  Your membership contribution directly supports initiatives, scholarships, and student events. New Graduates are given a one year membership free of charge, and receive an alumni lapel pin.

Please visit the link below to become a member today!

New Ways to Give: VanderCook's Monthly Giving Club
Can you help VanderCook meet our goal of 20 new members to our monthly giving club by the end of 2024?  Sign up today and receive a very special gift:

$5 per month level – VanderCook window sticker for your car
$10 per month level – tote bag
$25 per month level – travel mug
$50 per month level – gift card to a local establishmen2

Share Your Stories

We want to share your successes, news of your ensembles and students, marriages, commitments, births and adoptions with fellow alumni through the Alumni News Form. We’ll keep the Alumni News page updated as submissions come in!
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3140 South Federal Street
Chicago, IL 60616-3731
(312) 225-6288

The mission of VanderCook College of Music is to enrich the lives of present and future generations by developing uniquely skilled music teachers who exhibit strong character, professionalism, and a commitment to excellence.

© 2025 VanderCook College of Music. All Rights Reserved.
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