This summer, VanderCook College of Music hosted three levels of Orff Schulwerk courses led by experts in music education. Participants learned the fundamentals of Orff Schulwerk with activities that included speech, singing, and movement activities, playing recorder, Orff instruments, and unpitched percussion. We asked participants in our Orff Schulwerk courses to describe their favorite activities and something new they learned that they can immediately apply in their music classrooms.
I can start using the ASL signs for "stand up" and "sit down" day 1. We could make it into a game where I don't say anything and the students follow the nonverbal cues.
Rebecca P.Orff Schulwerk Level 1
I'll have my students do rhythms on body percussion before transferring to classroom instruments. Square dancing was my favorite activity, but every activity is fun!
SaraUndergraduate, Orff Schulwerk Level 1
I have so many songs that I already do body percussion with and I just need to add the barred instruments. I also have more recorder resources to make recorder a tool instead of a unit.
Jamie E.S.Orff Schulwerk Level 1