Paving the Way: Tools & Strategies for Remote Learning
August 10-September 6, 2020
Course Code
6780A & 6780B
0 - 1 Graduation Credit
$199, due in full with registration Course Code 6780A. $355, due in full with registration Course Code 6780B.
Course Description
The abrupt move to remote learning in the spring left little time to reflect and build a sequence for meaningful lessons for our students. In addition, many of us find ourselves in need of a crash course on creating and uploading videos along with tools for assessment and making thinking visible. This single-credit course will offer the time to reflect on student needs, best tools to apply, and ideas for converting concepts into interactive lessons. This course will include short assignments each week, topic discussions, community building, and networking with other teachers. Tech tools will include screencasting options, video creation and assessment tools. Teaching strategies will focus on a gradual progression towards learning outcomes, gathering evidence of learning/standards, and ideas on how to build a community in a remote setting.
This course is designed for K-12 music teachers.