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Where the most Inspired Musicians
become the most Inspiring Music Teachers


Orff Schulwerk Teacher Education: Level II


July 8-July 19, 2024

Course Code



4 Graduate Credits


$1,520 is due in full with registration. A $50 Early Bird Discount will be applied until 2/1/24.

Course Description

This course builds on the foundation of Level I and includes folk melodies, modes and rhythms. Learn more complex accompaniments, musical forms and improvisations.

All Orff Schulwerk Levels are a two-week course that meets Monday through Friday, July 8-12 and Monday through Friday, July 15-19.  Classes meet from 8 am-4 pm.


Housing Information


Drue Bullington

Drue Bullington teaches elemental music and movement at Brownstown Elementary School in Conestoga Valley School District in Lancaster, PA. Bullington is twice a graduate of West Chester University of Pennsylvania where he received a B.S. in Music Education and a M.M. in Music Education with a certification in Orff Schulwerk. Drue holds a second master’s degree from Wilkes University in Online Teaching and Learning with an Online Educator’s Certificate of Endorsement from the State of Pennsylvania.

Drue teaches in several Orff Schulwerk Levels Certification programs around the U.S.and offers numerous professional development and workshop sessions on elemental music and movement through the Orff Schulwerk Approach, elemental music and movement applications in the classroom, incorporating technology, and integrating the soprano ukulele into the K-12 music classroom. Drue serves as President of the Board of Directors of the American Center for Elemental Music and Movement. He is also an editor on the American Orff Schulwerk Association’s Reverberations Publication Committee. Drue and lives in Lititz, PA. He enjoys an active life filled with traveling, culinary adventures, and volunteering in his community.

Ben Torres

Ben Torres is in his 12th year in the Richardson (TX) school district and his fourth year as the K-6 music specialist at Brentfield Elementary in Dallas, where he also directs the Brentfield Singers, the Rhythm Cats Orff Ensemble and serves as the JJ Pearce Area Team Leader. Prior to this, he was the K-6 music specialist at Richland Elementary, where he also directed a choir and an Orff ensemble, the latter of which was selected to perform at the 2011 TMEA Convention. Torres received his bachelor’s degree in music education from West Texas A&M University in Canyon. He teaches movement in the Orff Schulwerk training course at Trinity University in San Antonio, movement and recorder in the Orff Schulwerk course at the University of Central Arkansas in Conway, and other courses across the country. He is currently the president of the North Texas Chapter of the American Orff-Schulwerk Association.

Rachel Aupperle

Rachel Aupperle teaches K-12 general music, and choir at Ridgeview CUSD #19, in Central Illinois.  Rachel holds a bachelor of music, master’s in music education, and certification in all three levels of Orff Schulwerk training. She is a Level I, II, and III movement and recorder instructor and has received training in Feierabend FAME Curriculum Certification: Conversational Solfege I and First Steps of Music.


Rachel currently serves as President of the Heart of Illinois Orff Chapter and President of the Elementary General Music Division for the Illinois Music Education Association.  She is an active presenter and guest clinician who has presented at local, state, and national conferences.  Mrs. Aupperle strives to share her love of music education with all teachers by providing a welcome, and safe learning environment for all.

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(312) 225-6288

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