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Where the most Inspired Musicians
become the most Inspiring Music Teachers

Designing and Implementing a Master’s Project


June 10-August 2, 2024

Course Code



3 Graduate Credits*


$1,125 is due in full with registration.

Course Description

Using the VanderCook Master’s Project Template, students will design, refine, and implement their Initial Questions and Method sections of their master’s project. Students will also learn how to effectively set up the other sections of their paper for successful completion of their projects. Topics will include project goals, initial questions, types of methods, data collection, informed consent, APA 7, as well as formatting the Review of Literature, Results, Discussion, and Appendices sections of the paper.  Please note:  This class does not replace working with your advisor.


*Students enrolled in the MMEd degree program at VanderCook may register for this course at the 500-level through the student portal. Please contact Dean Sinclair at [email protected] if academic advising is needed.


Cynthia Krause

Cindy Krause has been Dr. Rosenthal’s teaching assistant for Introduction to Graduate Study since 2018 and began advising master’s projects at VCM in 2008.  After receiving her BMEd from Illinois Wesleyan University, Mrs. Krause earned her MMEd (2000) from VanderCook College of Music.

Mrs. Krause recently retired (2021) from Elmhurst CUSD205, where she taught band, Grades 4-8, as well as some strings, since 1995.  Her final 16 years were at Churchville MS, where she was credited with starting the first middle school jazz band (after school club) in the district.  She has also enjoyed accompanying middle school and high school students for the district’s solo festivals since 1994, which she still continues to do.

Mrs. Krause looks back with fondness at her earliest VanderCook connection, when she attended a VCM middle school band camp in the summers of 1970 and ’71 at North Central College (IL) and had H.E. Nutt as a band director and Vic Zajec as a sectional instructor (saxophone). She is proud of her master’s project (2000) contribution of helping to jump start the VCM archives.

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Chicago, IL 60616-3731
(312) 225-6288

The mission of VanderCook College of Music is to enrich the lives of present and future generations by developing uniquely skilled music teachers who exhibit strong character, professionalism, and a commitment to excellence.

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