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Where the most Inspired Musicians
become the most Inspiring Music Teachers


Bass: Jazz for the Beginning Bassist


June 10-August 2, 2024

Course Code



3 Graduate Credits*


$1,125 is due in full with registration.

Course Description

Learn the building blocks of improvising on the double bass or bass guitar in a jazz style. Develop walking bass lines and improvised solos from chord charts and discover methods for instructing young bassists in a jazz ensemble setting.

How the course works:

The course is done completely on your own time, there are no scheduled meetings. There are six units, about one per week during the summer term, and about one every two weeks during the fall and spring. Assignments are due at the end of each unit. Students will watch the instructor’s videos and read the content, then make videos of themselves demonstrating the skills. The instructor will watch your videos and provide feedback, which students can then apply to your next assignments.

This course will include:

•  Playing accompanimental bass lines in swing, straight-eighth notes and ballad styles

•  Fingerboard/fretboard layout and fingerings

•  Basic harmonic structures of relevant chord/scale relationships

•  Navigating common jazz chord progressions

•  Concepts in improvisation

•  Learning six standard jazz tunes

•  Concepts in jazz education

Students can choose either upright or electric bass to take this course. No previous jazz or improvisation experience necessary.



Doug Bistrow

Doug Bistrow received his degree from the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, NY, where he majored in String Bass Performance and Jazz & Contemporary Media. Giving over 150 concerts per year, he has performed with Yo Yo Ma, Itzhak Perlman, the Silk Road Ensemble, R. Kelly, Edgar Meyer, Howard Levy, Makaya McCraven, Dee Alexander, The Metropolitan Jazz Octet, BakerzMillion, Time For Three, Johnny Osborne, Ky-Mani Marley, Keith & Tex, Akasha, and many others. Bistrow is a member of the Chicago Philharmonic, the Rockford Symphony Orchestra, and the Metropolitan Jazz Octet. Bistrow is on the faculty at Vandercook College of Music, where he teaches applied double bass, and offers asynchronous online courses through the MECA program in beginning upright and electric bass, beginning jazz bass and  orchestral bass. Bistrow owns and operates Audio Bistro Recording Studio in Chicago’s Logan Square.

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3140 South Federal Street
Chicago, IL 60616-3731
(312) 225-6288

The mission of VanderCook College of Music is to enrich the lives of present and future generations by developing uniquely skilled music teachers who exhibit strong character, professionalism, and a commitment to excellence.

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